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Run4Life Eastville Zero to 35 - Starts Thursday 26th September 2019

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Event Tickets From: £N/A

Fishponds Rd, Bristol, Bristol

Offer Type
Event Type
Outdoor Activities


---------- Registration opens Friday 6th September 2019 9am -------------------

Have you ever wanted to be able to run? Does being able to exercise for FREE anytime, anywhere appeal? Does running just seem a bit too hard? Have you struggled to find a group to join due to timing being difficult?

**Run4Life is organising a 12 week running course aimed at complete beginners

Taster session: Is this something that you would like to do but are a bit worried that you can't? Then come and try our Session 1 - a gentle 'Intro' without committing to any more sessions, if you like it you can join us the next week for the rest of the course. ;-)

Week 2 then starts, alternating 60 seconds jogging with walking. Complete the whole 12 weeks and you will be running for 35 minutes/ close to 5k

Parts 1 & 2: Not sure if you can do this? We have split the course into 2 parts - the first 6 weeks and the second 6 weeks. If by week 6 you feel you have progressed far enough then feel pleased with this achievement, if you would like to carry on complete the final 6 weeks as part 2.

Join in at Part 2: If you have run before but need help to get started again, can run 8 minutes, walk 5 minutes, run 8 minutes then come and join us for Part 2.

This course brings together like-minded people to make the journey together over the weeks.

*Sessions start at 7.30pm, giving you time to get back from work/ put the kids to bed first.

**Aged 13 plus, so feel free to bring your teenager and do the course together!!

*****The group meet at the gate on the corner of Fishponds Road by the traffic lights opposite the petrol station.

******Why is this course 12 weeks? We have found that if we make more of a gradual increase in running each week people enjoy the journey more, and become stronger and a better runner. Our course also takes you to 35 minutes running, which if you are interested in running a 5k is closer to most new runners running times than the traditional C25k that reaches 30 minutes.

********Each week we provide you with a different exercise to try which will help strengthen key running muscles and help to prevent injury.

What happens?

The sessions last an hour, we start with a warm-up and some mobilisation to get ready to start the session, which will be a combination of running and walking. As the weeks progress the run times become longer and the walk times reduce. We end with a cool down and a stretch. At the end of the course the group may  take part in a local 5k together. Feel free to ask your leader any questions at any time. You will be provided with a running plan, and will need to aim to do 2 more run-walks (homeworks) a week to help you get to your goal. Why not meet up with one of your new running buddies and tackle it together?

If you have a holiday planned, don't worry just take your trainers and the plan and you can do this on holiday and keep up with the group.

You will be given access to our friendly Run4Life Bristol Facebook group - a closed supportive community for all past and present course members. (when the course starts)

So sign up today, and tell your friends. All you need is a pair of trainers!!

This course is being run by Bristol City Council's running initiative Run4Life Bristol and is FREE.

Registration information will be kept on a secure database and will be used in a statistical format for monitoring and evaluation purposes only. You may be contacted for feedback to help with course improvement/ our project evaluators. Medical information, name and emergency contact details will be passed onto our Run Leader.

Run4Life Bristol has helped thousands of people to make the journey to running.

Run4Life Bristol is part of Bristol Active City: ,

For enquiries please email: - please do not message through Eventbrite as not all emails are received.

Eastville Park
Fishponds Rd Bristol, BS5 6XA


Event Details

Advert Ref: #2870055
Posted: 29 Sep '19
Visits: 67