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Buying a Car

Buying a car or any other vehicle on Hallo is easy. Browse and find your perfect car using our advanced search options and filters. You can specify the make and model, colour, fuel type condition and other search criteria to narrow your options down.

Check the sellers details and contact him using Hallo secure messaging system. Even if the seller has provided a contact number, we would still advice you to reply to adverts via Hallo to ensure that your contact details will not be disclosed to any other user.  Your correspondence with any Hallo users will be kept safely in your Hallo inbox for 12 months, so you can go back to your Hallo e-mail at any time.

Ask the seller any relevant information and for your safety, always arrange to meet during the day and accompanied by someone you trust.

For more safety tips, see your Safety Guide.

When buying a car, always check with DVLA to ensure that the car is not stolen.

Maintaining Hallo as a free and safe advertising platform is our main priority. If you encounter any suspicious advert or an user, please let us know using our spam reporting tool.

Enjoy car hunting!

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