Classified ads in London

Get 30 Discount on Custom Vape Boxes

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Service Cost: £12,345.00


HQ: 871, 7th Street East, Saint Paul, MN 55106, United States, Greater London, London

Offer Type

The label, ingredients, cautions, and other relevant information are all included in one box. We provide eye-catching boxes in a range of colors and styles to help our clients compete in the business. Custom Vape boxes are created by our talented designers and include a unique logo, batch number, and license number. Biodegradable cardboard, Kraft paper, or the brown paper is utilized in the production of these e-cigarette packages. Protect your Vape Pen from the weather and pressures of the outside world with these Vape Pen packaging materials.

Service Details

Advert Ref: #2987696
Posted: 20 Jun '22
Visits: 219

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User: william_james1
Member since 23 Feb '22
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