If you're interested in canine artificial insemination, we can provide our services locally for clients in and around Wolverhampton, or nationally. At Cavan Fertility, we have a longstanding passion for breeding, and we focus on the welfare of animals. We've opened a new clinic to focus only on artificial dog insemination and related services across the West Midlands and nationally. Artificial insemination for dogs has two main benefits for breeders in Willenhall and Wolverhampton. It is more accurate, has higher success rates and eliminates the risk of spreading infections. Likewise, it allows for aggressive or large dogs to participate in a breeding programme. Being partnered with Cavan Vets provides us access to the best veterinary surgeons who can perform caesarean procedures.
Cavan Fertility Clinic
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Pet Price: £N/A
33 The Precinct, Lucknow Road, West Midlands, Willenhall
Website: www.cavandogfertility.com
Pet Details
Advert Ref: #2936691
Posted: 17 Nov '23
Visits: 236
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User: cavandogfertility
Member since 12 Mar '21
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