Classified ads in Camberley

100 hour yoga teacher training in rishikesh

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Service Cost: £50,000.00


rishikesh, Surrey, Camberley

Offer Type

If you have been wanting to do a formal yoga teacher training course, now the time is here. If you have been practicing yoga for a while, but do not know, what step to take next, this is the right page for you. You can avail yourself of the 100 hour yoga teacher training in rishikesh, to start your yoga teaching journey. Many of you may be hard pressed for time, and will not be able to concentrate on the 200-hour course in one go. A commitment for an entire month seems impossible for working people. So, the 100 hour yoga ttc in rishikesh is at your service. You can do the course, and give your yoga teaching career a jumpstart.

Service Details

Advert Ref: #3025746
Posted: 26 Apr '23
Visits: 157

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User: hrishikeshyogaschool
Member since 26 Apr '23
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