Classified ads in Cardiff

Maintain safety and security of people with sharps removal service

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Service Cost: £N/A

15 Neptune Court, Vanguard Way, Cardiff,, Cardiff, Cardiff

Offer Type

Trikon understands the need for a company to ensure that any sharp waste is kept correctly and disposed of. In addition to your moral obligation to safeguard your clients and staff, you also have a legal obligation to do so. Using a specialised trash management and sharps removal service like Trikon is the best method to handle your sharps waste disposal. Trikon will give you the containers you need, complete with locking lids, so you can safely store this medical waste. Trikon will pick up your bins according to your timetable with Trikon, frequently enough to meet your needs. A professional collector will need a licence to do the collecting safely and carefully due to the hazardous nature of this garbage, which is why Trikon is best suited for this work.

Service Details

Advert Ref: #3008796
Posted: 25 Nov '22
Visits: 188

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User: trikonclinical
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